W tym roku zaczęłam przygodę z
projektowaniem toreb i obuwia. Zaprojektowałam kilka unikatowych
linii w różnych stylach. Oto kilka przykładów z
kolekcji „Bang! Bang! You`re death!” inspirowanej pistoletem i
jedna z realizacji. Torba- kopertówka swobodnie mieści format
A4. Wykonana jest z dwóch rodzajów naturalnej skóry:
lustrzanej, srebrnopopielatej i czarnej z wyciskanym wzorem.
This year I started the adventure of designing bags and shoes. I designed several unique lines in a variety of styles. Here are some examples from the "Bang! Bang! You `re death!" collection inspired by the gun. Bag is big enought to hide A4 size paper. It is made of two types of natural leather: silver- gray mirror colour and textured black one.
This year I started the adventure of designing bags and shoes. I designed several unique lines in a variety of styles. Here are some examples from the "Bang! Bang! You `re death!" collection inspired by the gun. Bag is big enought to hide A4 size paper. It is made of two types of natural leather: silver- gray mirror colour and textured black one.
realizacja projektu/ project realization |